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dyn.h File Reference

Base class for N-body systems. More...

#include <vector>
#include "util_math.h"
#include "node.h"
#include "kepler.h"
#include "dyn_kepler.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  dyn
 dyn: The simplest class of dynamical particles. More...


#define BIN_INDENT   21


typedef dyndynptr
typedef vec(dyn::* dyn_VMF_ptr )(void) const
typedef void(dyn::* dyn_MF_ptr )(const vec &)
typedef bool boolfn (dyn *)
 Compute arbitrary Lagrangian radii.


nodenew_dyn (hbpfp the_hbpfp, sbpfp the_sbpfp, bool use_stories)
dynmkdyn (int n, hbpfp the_hbpfp=new_hydrobase, sbpfp the_sbpfp=new_starbase)
dynget_col (istream &s=cin, npfp the_npfp=new_dyn, hbpfp the_hbpfp=new_hydrobase, sbpfp the_sbpfp=new_starbase, bool use_stories=true)
 Read col format data from a stream.
void put_col (dyn *, ostream &s=cout)
 Write col format data to a stream.
dynget_dyn (istream &s=cin, hbpfp the_hbpfp=new_hydrobase, sbpfp the_sbpfp=new_starbase, bool use_stories=true)
 Read a standard format dyn snapshot from a stream.
void put_dyn (dyn *b, ostream &s=cout, bool print_xreal=true, int short_output=0)
 Write a standard format dyn snapshot to a stream.
dynfget_dyn (FILE *fp=dyn::get_ifp()?:stdin)
 Fast read, switching between file and pipe input.
dyncommon_ancestor (dyn *bi, dyn *bj)
 Return a pointer to the common ancestor of two nodes.
vec something_relative_to_root (dyn *b, dyn_VMF_ptr mf)
 Compute a vector quantity relative to the root node.
void dbg_message (char *, dyn *)
void makesphere (dyn *root, int n, real R=1, int u_flag=0)
 Create a uniform sphere of dyn particles.
real pot_on_general_node (dyn *bj, dyn *bi, real eps2, bool cm)
 Compute the potential of a node in an N-body system.
void calculate_energies (dyn *root, real eps2, real &epot, real &ekin, real &etot, bool cm=false)
 Calculate the potential, kinetic, and total energies of an N-body system.
void print_recalculated_energies (dyn *, int mode=0, real eps2=0, real e_corr=0)
 Comute and print the energies.
void initialize_print_energies (dyn *, real eps2=0)
 Initialize the energy diagnostics and print the energies.
void compute_density (dyn *b, int k=12, bool use_mass=false, dyn **list=NULL, int n_list=0)
 Compute the densities associated with all nodes under b.
void merge_low_level_nodes (dyn *b, real frac=1, int option=1)
 Combine two binary nodes into one.
vector< real > & get_radial_densities (dyn *, vec, vector< real > &, bool(*)(dyn *)=0)
vector< real > & get_radial_numdensities (dyn *, vec, vector< real > &, bool(*)(dyn *)=0)
int get_radial_vdisp (dyn *b, vec cpos, vec cvel, int n_zones, real r[], real v2[])
 Compute the velocity dispersion in radial bins.
int get_density_profile (dyn *b, vec cpos, int n_zones, real r[], real rho[], bool(*select)(dyn *)=NULL)
 Compute the density in radial bins.
int get_profile (dyn *b, vec cpos, int n_zones, real r[], real q[], real(*Q)(dyn *))
 Compute the distribution of quantity q in radial bins.
void compute_com (dyn *, vec &, vec &)
 Calculate the center of mass.
void compute_mcom (dyn *, vec &, vec &, real f=0.9, int n_iter=2)
 Calculate the modified center of mass.
int get_std_center (dyn *, vec &, vec &, bool verbose=false)
 Compute the "standard" center (density, modified, normal center of mass.).
void compute_max_cod (dyn *, vec &, vec &)
 Compute the center defined by the particle with maximum density.
void compute_mean_cod (dyn *, vec &, vec &)
 Compute the center, weighted by density.
void compute_mass_radii (dyn *)
 Compute Lagrangian radii.
void compute_mass_radii_percentiles (dyn *)
 Compute Lagrangian radii for 10-percentiles.
void compute_mass_radii_quartiles (dyn *)
 Compute Lagrangian radii for quartiles.
void set_lagr_cutoff_mass (dyn *b, real frac_low, real frac_high=1.0)
 Set limiting masses for Lagrangian radii.
void reset_lagr_cutoff_mass (dyn *b, real frac_low, real frac_high=1.0)
 Set limiting masses for Lagrangian radii.
real get_lagr_cutoff_mass ()
 Return lower limiting mass for Lagrangian radii.
real get_lagr_cutoff_mass_low ()
 Return lower limiting mass for Lagrangian radii.
real get_lagr_cutoff_mass_high ()
 Return upper limiting mass for Lagrangian radii.
real print_lagrangian_radii (dyn *b, int which_lagr=2, bool verbose=true, int which_star=0, bool print=true)
 Compute and print Lagrangian radii, write to root dyn story.
real compute_lagrangian_radii (dyn *b, int which_lagr=2, bool verbose=true, int which_star=0)
 Compute, don't print.
bool compute_general_mass_radii (dyn *, int, bool nonlin=false, boolfn *bf=NULL, bool verbose=true)
void search_for_binaries (dyn *b, real energy_cutoff=0, real kT=0, vec center=0, bool verbose=true, bool long_binary_output=true)
 Search for bound pairs and print their properties.
bool parse_sys_stats_main (int argc, char *argv[], int &which_lagr, bool &binaries, bool &short_output, bool &B_flag, bool &calc_e, bool &n_sq, bool &out, bool &verbose, char *cvs_id, char *source)
 Parse the input for sys_stats and hsys_stats.
void check_addstar (dyn *b)
void sys_stats (dyn *root, real energy_cutoff=1, bool verbose=true, bool binaries=true, bool long_binary_output=false, int which_lagr=2, bool print_time=false, bool compute_energy=false, bool allow_n_sq_ops=false, void(*compute_energies)(dyn *, real, real &, real &, real &, bool)=calculate_energies, void(*dstar_params)(dyn *)=NULL, bool(*print_dstar_stats)(dyn *, bool, vec, bool)=NULL)
 General statistics and diagnostics on an N-body system.
void refine_cluster_mass (dyn *b, int verbose=0)
 Determine the self-consistent mass of a cluster in a tidal field.
void refine_cluster_mass2 (dyn *b, int verbose=0)
 Determine the self-consistent mass of a cluster in a tidal field.
real print_binary_params (kepler *k, real m1, real kT, real dist_from_cod, bool verbose=true, bool long_output=true, int init_indent=0, int indent=BIN_INDENT)
 Print the properties of a binary defined by a kepler.
real get_total_energy (dyn *bi, dyn *bj)
 Return the total energy of the binary defined by two nodes.
real get_semi_major_axis (dyn *bi, dyn *bj)
 Return the semi-major axis of the binary defined by two nodes.
real get_period (dyn *bi, dyn *bj)
 Return the period of the binary defined by two nodes.
void get_total_energy_and_period (dyn *bi, dyn *bj, real &E, real &P)
 Return the total energy and period of the binary defined by two nodes.
void initialize_kepler_from_dyn_pair (kepler &k, dyn *bi, dyn *bj, bool minimal=false)
 Create a kepler structure from a pair of nodes.
void print_binary_from_dyn_pair (dyn *bi, dyn *bj, real kT=0, vec center=vec(0, 0, 0), bool verbose=true, bool long_output=true)
 Print the properties of a binary defined by a pair of nodes.
real print_structure_recursive (dyn *b, void(*dstar_params)(dyn *), int &n_unp, real &e_unp, real kT=0.0, vec center=vec(0, 0, 0), bool verbose=true, bool long_output=true, int indent=0)
 Recursively print the properties of binary node b.
void compute_core_parameters (dyn *b, int k, bool allow_n_sq_ops, vec &center, real &rcore, int &ncore, real &mcore)
 Compute core radius, mass, etc.
void plot_stars (dyn *bi, int n=5, int k=3)
 Pseudoplot a patch of an N-body system.
real get_mass (dyn *b)
 Compute the total mass of a node.
void scale_mass (dyn *b, real mscale)
 Scale the mass of a node (and descendents) to the specified value.
void scale_pos (dyn *b, real rscale, vec com_pos=0.0)
 Scale the positions of a node and descendents by the specified value.
void scale_vel (dyn *b, real vscale, vec com_vel=0.0)
 Scale the velocities of a node and descendents by the specified value.
real get_top_level_kinetic_energy (dyn *b)
 Compute the total kinetic energy of all top-level nodes under b.
real get_kinetic_energy (dyn *b)
 Compute the total kinetic energy of all leaves under b.
void get_top_level_energies (dyn *b, real eps2, real &potential, real &kinetic)
 Compute the total energies of all top-level nodes under b.
void scale_virial (dyn *b, real q, real potential, real &kinetic, vec com_vel=0.0)
 Scale velocities to produce the desired virial ratio.
real scale_energy (dyn *b, real e, real &energy, vec com_pos=0.0, vec com_vel=0.0)
 Scale the total energy of a system to the desired value.
bool parse_scale_main (int argc, char *argv[], real &eps, bool &c_flag, bool &e_flag, real &e, bool &m_flag, real &m, bool &q_flag, real &q, bool &r_flag, real &r, bool &debug, char *cvs_id, char *source)
 Parse the command line in scale and hscale.
void scale (dyn *b, real eps, bool c_flag, bool e_flag, real e, bool m_flag, real m, bool q_flag, real q, bool r_flag, real r, bool debug=false, void(*top_level_energies)(dyn *, real, real &, real &)=get_top_level_energies)
 Scale masses, radii, and velocities according to various criteria.
void get_external_acc (dyn *b, vec pos, vec vel, real &pot, vec &acc, vec &jerk, bool pot_only=false)
 Compute the acceleration and jerk due to an external field.
real get_external_pot (dyn *b, void(*pot_func)(dyn *, real)=NULL)
 Compute the potential due to an external field.
real vcirc (dyn *b, vec r)
 Compute the circular velocity in a (spherical) external potential.
real get_tidal_pot (dyn *b)
real get_plummer_pot (dyn *b)
real get_power_law_pot (dyn *b)
real get_external_virial (dyn *b)
void print_external (unsigned int ext, bool shortbits=false)
void set_new_rhalf (bool s=true)
 Set half-mass radius used internally in dyn_external.
void set_friction_beta (real b)
 Set dynamical friction scaling parameter.
void set_friction_mass (real m)
 Set mass determining dynamical friction.
void set_friction_vel (vec v)
 Set vel determining dynamical friction.
void set_friction_acc (dyn *b, real r)
 Dynamical friction acceleration.
bool get_physical_scales (dyn *b, real &mass, real &length, real &time)
 Determine physical scales associated with an N-body system.
void add_plummer (dyn *b, real coeff, real scale, vec center=0.0, bool n_flag=false, bool verbose=false, bool fric_flag=false)
 Add parameters for an external Plummer field to an N-body system.
void toggle_plummer_friction (dyn *b)
 Turn dynamical friction on/off.
void add_power_law (dyn *b, real coeff, real exponent, real scale, vec center=0.0, bool n_flag=false, bool verbose=false, bool G_flag=false)
 Add parameters for an external power-law field to an N-body system.
real get_initial_mass (dyn *b, bool verbose=false, bool mass_set=false, real input_mass=0)
 Read the initial mass from the root dyn story.
real get_initial_virial_radius (dyn *b, bool verbose=false, bool r_virial_set=false, real input_r_virial=0)
 Read the initial virial radius from the root dyn story.
real get_initial_jacobi_radius (dyn *b, real r_virial, bool verbose=false, bool r_jacobi_set=false, real input_r_jacobi=0)
 Read the initial jacobi radius from the root dyn story.
void set_tidal_params (dyn *b, bool verbose, real initial_r_jacobi, real initial_mass, int &tidal_field_type)
 Read and set the tidal parameters from the root dyn story.
void test_tidal_params (dyn *b, bool verbose, real initial_r_jacobi, real initial_r_virial, real initial_mass)
 Check the tidal parameters.
int check_set_tidal (dyn *b, bool verbose=false)
 Check and set the tidal parameters.
void check_set_plummer (dyn *b, bool verbose=false)
void check_set_power_law (dyn *b, bool verbose=false)
void check_set_external (dyn *b, bool verbose=false, int fric_int=-1)
void check_set_ignore_internal (dyn *b, bool verbose=false)
int bound_number (dyn *b)
 Number of bound stars.
real bound_mass (dyn *b)
 Mass of bound stars.
vec total_angular_momentum (dyn *b, vec x=0, vec v=0)
 Total angular momentum of the system.
real total_energy (dyn *b)
 Total energy of the system.
real core_radius (dyn *b)
 Cluster core radius.
real core_mass (dyn *b)
 Cluster core mass.
int core_number (dyn *b)
 Cluster core number.
real virial_radius (dyn *b)
 Cluster virial radius.
real tidal_radius (dyn *b)
 Cluster tidal radius.
real core_density (dyn *b)
 Cluster core density.
real mass (dyn *b)
vec pos (dyn *b, vec x=0)
vec vel (dyn *b, vec v=0)
real distance (dyn *b, vec x=0)
real distance_sq (dyn *b, vec x=0)
real speed (dyn *b, vec v=0)
real speed_sq (dyn *b, vec v=0)
real v_rad_sq (dyn *b, vec x=0, vec v=0)
 Squared radial velocity.
real v_rad (dyn *b, vec x=0, vec v=0)
 Radial velocity.
real v_trans_sq (dyn *b, vec x=0, vec v=0)
 Squared transverse velocity.
real v_trans (dyn *b, vec x=0, vec v=0)
 Transverse velocity.
real energy (dyn *b, vec v=0)
 Total energy.
vec angular_momentum (dyn *b, vec x=0, vec v=0)
 Total angular momentum.

Detailed Description

Base class for N-body systems.

Definition in file dyn.h.

Generated on Wed Jul 20 12:43:37 2005 for Starlab by  doxygen 1.4.3