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stdinc.h File Reference

Standard Starlab include file. More...

#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  Starlab
namespace  std


#define false   0
#define true   1
#define local   static
#define streq(x, y)   (strcmp((x), (y)) == 0)
#define PRI(x)   {for (int __pri__ = 0; __pri__ < x; __pri__++) cerr << " ";}
#define PR(x)   cerr << #x << " = " << x << " "
#define PRC(x)   cerr << #x << " = " << x << ", "
#define PRL(x)   cerr << #x << " = " << x << endl
#define PI   3.14159265358979323846
#define M_PI   PI
#define TWO_PI   (2 * (PI))
#define HALF_PI   (0.5 * (PI))
#define ONE_THIRD   0.33333333333333333333
#define ONE_SIXTH   0.16666666666666666667
#define VERY_LARGE_NUMBER   1.0e300
#define VERY_SMALL_NUMBER   (pow(2.0, -52))
#define VERY_LARGE_INTEGER   (1<<30)
#define SETBIT(i, n)   ((i) |= (1 << (n)))
#define GETBIT(i, n)   ((i) & (1 << (n)))
#define CLRBIT(i, n)   ((i) &= ~(1 << (n)))
#define LOW_PRECISION   3
#define STD_PRECISION   6
#define INT_PRECISION   10
#define HIGH_PRECISION   15
#define pos_angle(phi)   ((phi) - TWO_PI * floor((phi)/TWO_PI ))
#define sym_angle(phi)   ((phi) - TWO_PI * floor(((phi)+PI)/TWO_PI ))
#define check_help()   check_runtime_help(argc, argv, _SRC_, __DATE__, __TIME__);
#define get_help()   get_runtime_help(_SRC_, __DATE__, __TIME__);


typedef double real
typedef int bool
typedef real xreal


void printbits (unsigned int i)
real Starlab::abs (real x)
real Starlab::max (real x, real y)
real Starlab::min (real x, real y)
real square (real x)
char * stpcpy (char *restrict, const char *restrict)
void xprint (xreal x, ostream &s=cerr, bool newline=true)
real fmod2 (xreal x, real y)
xreal get_xreal (char *str)
void identify_xreal (ostream &s=cerr)
void print_message (char *)
void warning (char *)
void err_exit (char *)
int pgetopt (int argc, char **argv, char *optstr, char *cvs_id=NULL, char *source=NULL)
void pskipopt ()
void params_to_usage (ostream &, char *, char *)
int srandinter (int, int n=0)
int get_initial_seed ()
int get_rand_seed ()
int get_current_seed ()
int get_n_rand ()
real randinter (real, real)
real gausrand (real, real)
void cpu_init ()
real cpu_time ()
void starlab_wait (int iwait)
int set_starlab_precision (ostream &)
int adjust_starlab_precision (int p)
int get_starlab_precision ()
char * gethist (int, char **)
void check_runtime_help (int argc, char **argv, char *source_file, char *date, char *time)
void get_runtime_help (char *source_file, char *date, char *time, int level=1)

Detailed Description

Standard Starlab include file.

Definition in file stdinc.h.

Generated on Wed Jul 20 12:43:37 2005 for Starlab by  doxygen 1.4.3