Anti-neutrino oscillation parameters regions allowed by KamLAND. |
Matter effects in the KamLAND reactor experiment. |
After: Solar neutrino oscillations after KamLAND. |
The Sterile-Total flux correlation. |
Pontecorvo remarks with regard to the latest results of the chlorine experiment of Ray Davis: "It starts to be really interesting! It would be nice if all this will end with something unexpected from the point of view of particle physics. Unfortunately, it will not be easy to demonstrate this, even if nature works that way."
This letter is published in the proceedings of the 23rd Johns
Hopkins Workshop on Current Problems in Particle Theory,
Neutrinos in the Next Millennium, Baltimore, June 10-12, 1999
(World Scientific, Singapore 2000), pp. 91-112.
None of the 1000 solar models in a full Monte Carlo simulation is consistent with the results of the chlorine or the Kamiokande experiments. Even if the solar models are forced artifically to have a 8B neutrino flux in agreeement with the Kamiokande experiment, none of the fudged models agrees with the chlorine observations. The GALLEX and SAGE experiments, which currently have large statistical uncertainties, differ from the predictions of the standard solar model by 2 and 3 , respectively.