Up-to-date lists of publications are available through Google Scholar, INSPIRE, arXiv, and ORCID. In theoretical high-energy physics authors are traditionally listed alphabetically.
- Records from the S-Matrix Marathon
- N. Arkani-Hamed, M. Giroux, H.S. Hannesdottir, S. Mizera, C. Pasiecznik (editors)
- To be published by Springer Lecture Notes in Physics
- Drafts of individual chapters are available on arXiv: arXiv:2409.14947, arXiv:2410.00227, arXiv:2410.10602, arXiv:2411.01056, arXiv:2412.11649
- What is the $i\varepsilon$ for the S-matrix?
- H.S. Hannesdottir and S. Mizera
- SpringerBriefs in Physics
- ISBN 978-3-031-18257-0 (softcover), 978-3-031-18258-7 (eBook), Springer, Cham (2023)
- Draft of the book is available on arXiv
- Aspects of Scattering Amplitudes and Moduli Space Localization
- S. Mizera
- Springer Theses
- ISBN 978-3-030-53009-9 (hardcover), 978-3-030-53010-5 (eBook), Springer, Cham (2020)
- Version accepted by the University of Waterloo is available for free on UWSpace and arXiv
Lecture Notes
- Four Lectures on Euler Integrals
- S. Matsubara-Heo, S. Mizera, S. Telen
- Review article accompanying lectures given by Simon Telen in Spring 2023 at the IMPRS Ringvorlesung at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig
- Lecture notes are available on arXiv and published open-access in SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes 75 (2023) 1
- Physics of the Analytic S-Matrix
- S. Mizera
- Based on a series of lectures given in Spring 2023 at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and the Higgs Centre School of Theoretical Physics in Edinburgh
- Lecture notes are available on arXiv and published open-access in Phys. Rept. 1047 (2024) 1-92
Peer-reviewed journal articles and preprints
- Rademacher expansion of modular integrals
- M.M. Baccianti, J. Chandra, L. Eberhardt, T. Hartman, S. Mizera
- arXiv:2501.13827 [hep-th]
- Regge Limit of One-Loop String Amplitudes
- P. Banerjee, L. Eberhardt, S. Mizera
- arXiv:2403.07064 [hep-th]
- Lorentzian contours for tree-level string amplitudes
- L. Eberhardt, S. Mizera
- SciPost Phys. 17 (2024) 078
- arXiv:2403.07051 [hep-th]
- Cutting-Edge Tools for Cutting Edges
- R. Britto, C. Duhr, H.S. Hannesdottir, S. Mizera
- Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, volume 5 (2025), 595-620
- arXiv:2402.19415 [hep-th]
- Language Models as Science Tutors
- A. Chevalier, J. Geng, A. Wettig, H. Chen, S. Mizera, et al.
- Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 235:8310-8335, 2024
- arXiv:2402.11111 [cs.CL]
- Principal Landau Determinants
- C. Fevola, S. Mizera, S. Telen
- Comput. Phys. Commun. 303 (2024) 109278
- arXiv:2311.16219 [math-ph]
- Landau Singularities Revisited: Computational Algebraic Geometry for Feynman Integrals
- C. Fevola, S. Mizera, S. Telen
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 (2024) 10, 101601
- arXiv:2311.14669 [hep-th]
- Crossing beyond scattering amplitudes
- S. Caron-Huot, M. Giroux, H.S. Hannesdottir, S. Mizera
- JHEP 04 (2024) 060
- arXiv:2310.12199 [hep-th]
- Scattering with Neural Operators
- S. Mizera
- Phys. Rev. D 108 (2023) 10, L101701
- arXiv:2308.14789 [hep-th]
- What can be measured asymptotically?
- S. Caron-Huot, M. Giroux, H.S. Hannesdottir, S. Mizera
- JHEP 01, 139 (2024)
- arXiv:2308.02125 [hep-th]
- Evaluating one-loop string amplitudes
- L. Eberhardt, S. Mizera
- SciPost Phys. 15 (2023) 119
- arXiv:2302.12733 [hep-th]
- Natural Boundaries for Scattering Amplitudes
- S. Mizera
- SciPost Phys. 14 (2023) 101
- arXiv:2210.11448 [hep-th]
- Unitarity Cuts of the Worldsheet
- L. Eberhardt and S. Mizera
- SciPost Phys. 14 (2023) 015
- arXiv:2208.12233 [hep-th]
- Celestial Geometry
- S. Mizera and S. Pasterski
- JHEP 09, 045 (2022)
- arXiv:2204.02505 [hep-th]
- Feynman Polytopes and the Tropical Geometry of UV and IR Divergences
- N. Arkani-Hamed, A. Hillman, and S. Mizera
- Phys. Rev. D 105 (2022) 12, 125013
- arXiv:2202.12296 [hep-th]
- On Unitarity of Tree-Level String Amplitudes
- N. Arkani-Hamed, L. Eberhardt, Y.-t. Huang, and S. Mizera
- JHEP 02, 197 (2022)
- arXiv:2201.11575 [hep-th]
- Landau Discriminants
- S. Mizera and S. Telen
- JHEP 08, 200 (2022)
- arXiv:2109.08036 [math-ph]
- Crossing Symmetry in the Planar Limit
- S. Mizera
- Phys. Rev. D 104, 045003 (2021)
- arXiv:2104.12776 [hep-th]
- Coaction and double-copy properties of configuration-space integrals at genus zero
- R. Britto, S. Mizera, C. Rodriguez, O. Schlotterer
- JHEP 05, 053 (2021)
- arXiv:2102.06206 [hep-th]
- Bounds on Crossing Symmetry
- S. Mizera
- Phys. Rev. D 103, L081701 (2021)
- arXiv:2101.08266 [hep-th]
- Decomposition of Feynman Integrals by Multivariate Intersection Numbers
- H. Frellesvig, F. Gasparotto, S. Laporta, M. K. Mandal, P. Mastrolia, L. Mattiazzi, and S. Mizera
- JHEP 03, 027 (2021)
- arXiv:2008.04823 [hep-th]
- Scattering Equations in AdS: Scalar Correlators in Arbitrary Dimensions
- L. Eberhardt, S. Komatsu, and S. Mizera
- JHEP 11, 158 (2020)
- arXiv:2007.06574 [hep-th]
- Loop amplitudes monodromy relations and color-kinematics duality
- E. Casali, S. Mizera, and P. Tourkine
- JHEP 21, 048 (2020)
- arXiv:2005.05329 [hep-th]
- Status of Intersection Theory and Feynman Integrals
- S. Mizera
- PoS (MA2019) 016
- arXiv:2002.10476 [hep-th]
- Kinematic Jacobi Identity is a Residue Theorem: Geometry of Color-Kinematics Duality for Gauge and Gravity Amplitudes
- S. Mizera
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, no.14, 141601 (2020)
- arXiv:1912.03397 [hep-th]
- From Infinity to Four Dimensions: Higher Residue Pairings and Feynman Integrals
- S. Mizera and A. Pokraka
- JHEP 02, 159 (2020)
- arXiv:1910.11852 [hep-th]
- Monodromy relations from twisted homology
- E. Casali, S. Mizera, and P. Tourkine
- JHEP 12, 087 (2019)
- arXiv:1910.08514 [hep-th]
- Vector Space of Feynman Integrals and Multivariate Intersection Numbers
- H. Frellesvig, F. Gasparotto, M. K. Mandal, P. Mastrolia, L. Mattiazzi, and S. Mizera
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, no.20, 201602 (2019)
- arXiv:1907.02000 [hep-th]
- Scattering Equations: From Projective Spaces to Tropical Grassmannians
- F. Cachazo, N. Early, A. Guevara and S. Mizera
- JHEP 06, 039 (2019)
- arXiv:1903.08904 [hep-th]
- Decomposition of Feynman Integrals on the Maximal Cut by Intersection Numbers
- H. Frellesvig, F. Gasparotto, S. Laporta, M. K. Mandal, P. Mastrolia, L. Mattiazzi, and S. Mizera
- JHEP 05, 153 (2019)
- arXiv:1901.11510 [hep-ph]
- $\Delta$-algebra and scattering amplitudes
- F. Cachazo, N. Early, A. Guevara, and S. Mizera
- JHEP 02, 005 (2019)
- arXiv:1812.01168 [hep-th]
- Feynman Integrals and Intersection Theory
- P. Mastrolia and S. Mizera
- JHEP 02, 139 (2019)
- arXiv:1810.03818 [hep-th]
- Perturbiner Methods for Effective Field Theories and the Double Copy
- S. Mizera and B. Skrzypek
- JHEP 10, 018 (2018)
- arXiv:1809.02096 [hep-th]
- The S Matrix of 6D Super Yang-Mills and Maximal Supergravity from Rational Maps
- F. Cachazo, A. Guevara, M. Heydeman, S. Mizera, J. H. Schwarz, and C. Wen
- JHEP 09, 125 (2018)
- arXiv:1805.11111 [hep-th]
- Scattering Amplitudes from Intersection Theory
- S. Mizera
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, no.14, 141602 (2018)
- arXiv:1711.00469 [hep-th]
- Renormalization of tensor networks using graph independent local truncations
- M. Hauru, C. Delcamp, and S. Mizera
- Phys. Rev. B 97, no.4, 045111 (2018)
- arXiv:1709.07460 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Combinatorics and Topology of Kawai-Lewellen-Tye Relations
- S. Mizera
- JHEP 08, 097 (2017)
- arXiv:1706.08527 [hep-th]
- A String Deformation of the Parke-Taylor Factor
- S. Mizera and G. Zhang
- Phys. Rev. D 96, no.6, 066016 (2017)
- arXiv:1705.10323 [hep-th]
- Echoes of Asymptotic Silence in Causal Set Quantum Gravity
- A. Eichhorn, S. Mizera, and S. Surya
- Class. Quant. Grav. 34, no.16, 16LT01 (2017)
- arXiv:1703.08454 [gr-qc]
- Can scalars have asymptotic symmetries?
- M. Campiglia, L. Coito, and S. Mizera
- Phys. Rev. D 97, no.4, 046002 (2018)
- arXiv:1703.07885 [hep-th]
- CHY Loop Integrands from Holomorphic Forms
- H. Gomez, S. Mizera, and G. Zhang
- JHEP 03, 092 (2017)
- arXiv:1612.06854 [hep-th]
- Inverse of the String Theory KLT Kernel
- S. Mizera
- JHEP 06, 084 (2017)
- arXiv:1610.04230 [hep-th]
- Scattering Equations: Real Solutions and Particles on a Line
- F. Cachazo, S. Mizera, and G. Zhang
- JHEP 03, 151 (2017)
- arXiv:1609.00008 [hep-th]
- Extensions of Theories from Soft Limits
- F. Cachazo, P. Cha, and S. Mizera
- JHEP 06, 170 (2016)
- arXiv:1604.03893 [hep-th]
- Decorated tensor network renormalization for lattice gauge theories and spin foam models
- B. Dittrich, S. Mizera, and S. Steinhaus
- New J. Phys. 18, no.5, 053009 (2016)
- arXiv:1409.2407 [gr-qc]
- Spectral dimension in causal set quantum gravity
- A. Eichhorn and S. Mizera
- Class. Quant. Grav. 31, 125007 (2014)
- arXiv:1311.2530 [gr-qc]
- Multi-colour detection of gravitational arcs
- M. Maturi, S. Mizera, and G. Seidel,
- Astron. Astrophys. 567, A111 (2014)
- arXiv:1305.3608 [astro-ph.CO]