Full bibliography in pdf format
- 1.
- Neutrinos from the Sun, Scientific American 221, No.
1, pp. 28-37 (1969 July).
- 2.
- Quasar, McGraw-Hill Yearbook, Science and Technology (1971).
- 3.
- Book Review of Physical Cosmology, by P. J. E. Peebles, Princeton
University Press, 1972, in Mercury 1, No. 5 (1972
- 4.
- Solar Neutrinos: A Scientific Puzzle (J. N. Bahcall and R. Davis, Jr.),
Science 191, pp. 264-267 (1976 January 23).
- 5.
- The Problem of Solar Neutrinos - Talk at Vassar Seminar on The Frontiers
in the Natural Sciences, February 26, l976 (unpublished).
- 6.
- The Sun's Missing Particles, Natural History p. 76 (1976
- 7.
- The Sun, McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology,
p. 402 (1977).
- 8.
- The Space Telescope: Out Where the Stars Do Not Twinkle, testimony by
J. N. Bahcall. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce, Science
and Transportation. NASA Authorization for Fiscal Year 1978: Hearings before
the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, United States Senate,
95th Congress, first session on S.365 . . . Washington, U. S. Government
Printing Office 1977, Part 3, pages 1692-1697.
- 9.
- The Space Telescope (J. N. Bahcall and L. Spitzer, Jr.),
Scientific American 247, No. 1, pp. 40-51 (1982 July).
- 10.
- Solar Neutrinos, McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and
Technology 5th edition, Vol. 12, pp. 601-602 (1982).
- 11.
- An Account of the Development of the Solar Neutrino Problem
(J. N. Bahcall and R. Davis) in
Essays in Nuclear Astrophysics Chapter 12, pp. 243-285,
ed. C. A. Barnes, D. D. Clayton, and D. N. Schramm (Cambridge University
Press, 1982).
- 12.
- The Optical Identification of the Hercules X-1 System (J. N. Bahcall
and N. Bahcall),
published in the 10th anniversary booklet of the Wise Observatory,
Tel-Aviv University, 1983, pp. 14-17.
- 13.
- Why Go to the Bottom of the Homestake Mine to Find Out if the
Sun is Shining? Unpublished.
- 14.
- Sophisticated Tools and Basic Questions (or What Makes the Sun
Shine?) In Essentials of the Dynamic Universe, 2nd edition,
by Theodore P. Snow (St. Paul: West Publishing Co.), pp. 89-91 (1987).
- 15.
- Solar Neutrinos, in McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of
Science and Technology, 6th edition 17 (1987 April).
- 16.
- Supernovae Leave Their Mark, Nature 333 No. 6171,
p. 301 (1988 May 26).
- 17.
- Sharing Astronomical Costs (J. N. Bahcall, R. Giacconi, M. Oda,
M. Rees, R. Sagdeev, and R. Sunyaev) Nature 339OC, p.
574 (1989 June).
- 18.
- How Does The Sun Shine, Nature 340, pp. 265-266 (1989 July).
- 19.
- Neutrino Astronomy. Adapted from introduction to Neutrino
Astrophysics (Cambridge University Press, 1989). In R. G. Lerner and
G. L. Trigg, Encyclopedia of Physics, Second Edition NY: VCH
Publishers, Inc.), pp. 45-51.
- 20.
- Neutrinos from the Sun: An Astronomical Puzzle, Mercury
(The Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific), 19 No.
2, pp. 53-63 (1990 March/April).
- 21.
- The Solar Neutrino Problem, Scientific American, pp. 54-61,
(1990 May).
- 22.
- Where are the Solar Neutrinos? Solar Science, pp. 40-45 (1990
- 23.
- The Solar Neutrino Mystery, Astronomy Now, 4:2, pp.
15-19 (1990 February).
- 24.
- Science With the Hubble Space Telescope.
Hearing on
Hubble Space
Telescope Flaw before the Committee on Science,
Space, and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives,
One Hundred First Congress, Second Session,
Friday, July 13, 1990, The Hon. Robert A. Roe
(chairman of the committee) was presiding. (U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, 1990).
- 25.
- Prioritizing Scientific Initiatives. Science 251,
pp. 1412-1413 (1991 March 22).
- 26.
- The 1990s: The Decade of Discovery. Physics Today, pp.
24-30 (1991 April).
- 27.
- U.S. Astronomy's Next Decade of Discovery. Sky &
Telescope, pp. 585-586 (1991 June).
- 28.
- High Noon for Solar Neutrinos.
New Scientist, No. 1834, pp. 28-32 (1992 August 15).
- 29.
- Reaching for the Answers in the Stars. Headline News/Science
Views II, ed. David Jarmul (National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.,
1993), pp. 193-195.
- 30.
- Distantly detecting deuterium. Nature, 368, 584-585
(April 1994).
- 31.
- Neutrino Astrophysics: A Research Briefing. Panel report to the National Research
Council (National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1995). Similar to #366.
- 32.
- What Have We Learned About Solar Neutrinos?, Beamline,
24, No. 3, 10-18 (Fall/Winter 1994).
- 33.
- What Causes a Quasar?, STScI Newsletter, Vol. 12, No. 1,
1-3 (May 1995).
- 34.
- Answering Age-Old Questions about the Universe, Institute for
Advanced Study, Report for Academic Year 1993-1994, p. 4.
- 35.
- Ray Davis: The Scientist and the Man, in TAUP 95,
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on
Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics,
Toledo, Spain, 9/17-21/95, eds. A. Morales, J. Morales and J. A.
Villar (Nuclear Physics B, Proceedings Supplement,
48, 281-283 May 1, 1996).
June 1996).
- 36.
- Solar Neutrino Experiments: The Next Generation (John N.
Bahcall, Frank Calaprice, Arthur MacDonald, and Yoji Totsuka,
Physics Today, 49, No. 7, 30-36 (July 1996).
- 37.
- Is
Well Defined?, proceedings of the debate on ``The Scale
of the Universe,'' Natural History Museum, Washington, D.C., April 21,
1996, PASP, 108, 1097 (December 1996).
- 38
- Neutrino Astronomy: The Sun and Beyond (John Bahcall and Francis
Halzen), Physics World, 9, 41-45 (September 1996).
- 39.
- Prioritizing Science: A Story of the Decade Survey for the 1990s,
in The American Astronomical Society's First Century,, ed. David
DeVorkin (AIP, 1999), pp. 289-300.
- 40.
- Lyman Spitzer, Jr., Astrophysicist and Founder of Controlled
Nuclear Fusion Research (George Field and John Bahcall),
Nature, 387, 244 (May 1997).
- 41.
- Lyman Spitzer, Jr. (John N. Bahcall and Jeremiah P. Ostriker),
Physics Today, 50, No. 10, 123-124 (October 1997).
- 42.
- Searching for Neutrinos Beyond the
Textbooks, in Universe, by
William J. Kaufmann, III, and Roger A. Freedman, 5th edition (New
York: W. H. Freeman, 1998), pp. 452-453.
- 43.
- Solar Interior: Neutrinos, at this website http://www.ency-astro.com
and Encyclopedia of
Astronomy and Astrophysics (Bristol: IOP Publishing, 2001), Vol. 3,
- 44.
- Ulrich's Explanation for the Solar Five Minute Oscillations,
ApJ, 525, 1199-1200, Centennial Issue (1999).
- 45.
- The Evolution of Neutrino Astronomy
(John N. Bahcall and Raymond Davis, Jr.),
Millennium Essay in PASP, 112, 429-433 (April 2000);
reprinted in the CERN COURIER, Vol. 40, number 6 (July/August
2000), 17-21.
- 46.
- How the Sun Shines, published
June 29, 2000 at the site of the
Nobel e-Museum, http://www.nobel.se/physics/articles.
- 46A.
- How the Sun Shines, at this website http://www.slac.stanford.edu/pubs/beamline
and in Beamline, Vol 31, No. 1, Winter 2001, 2-12.
- 46B.
- How the Sun Shines,
in Journal, the Journal of the Royal
Astronomical Society of Canada, 94, No. 6, 219-227 (December 2000).
- 46C.
- How the Sun Shines,
Mercury, 30, No. 5,
30-37 (September/October 2001).
- 47.
- The Big Bang is bang on, Nature, 408, 21/28 December
2000, pp. 916-917.
- 48.
- Searching for Neutrinos Beyond the Textbooks, in
Universe, 6th edition, by Roger Freedman and William
J. Kaufmann III, (New York: W. H. Freeman and Company, 2001), p. 418.
- 49.
- Neutrinos Reveal Split Personalities, Nature, 412,
29-31 (July 5, 2001).
- 50.
- The Birth of the Snapshot Programs,
STScI Newsletter , 19, Issue 04, p. 22 (Fall 2002).
- 51.
- Solar Neutrinos, in McGraw-Hill
Encyclopedia of
Science and Technology, 9th edition, 16 (2002).
- 52.
- Searching for Neutrinos Beyond the
Textbooks, in Universe, 7th edition, by Roger
A. Freedmand and William J. Kaufmann III (New York: W. H. Freeman and
Company 2004), p. 407.
- 53.
- Solar Neutrinos: Past, Present,
Future, summary of lecture given following receipt of the Gold Medal
of the Royal Astronomical Society (11/14/03), The Observatory,
124, 91-93 (April 2004).
- 54.
- Astronomy and Physics Underground,
remarks made on receiving the Enrico Fermi Award (10/22/03).
- 55.
- Amazing, remarks made on receiving the
Dan David Prize (5/18/03).
- 56.
- Solar Neutrinos, to be published in the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of
Science and Technology, 10th edition, (2007).
- 57.
- Solving the Mystery of the Missing
Neutrinos, published April 28, 2004 at the site of the
Nobel e-Museum, http://www.nobel.se/physics/articles.
- 58.
- Solar Neutrinos, in Encyclopedia of
Physics, 3rd edition, Vol. 2,
eds. G. Trigg and R. Lerner (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2005), p. 2242.
- 59.
- Chemical Controversy at the Solar
Surface, Physics World, 18, No. 2, 26 (2005).
- 60.
- The Future of the Hubble Space
Telescope, International Space Review, March 2005, Issue 3,
p. 3, reprinted in Advocacy for Hubble Servicing, (STScI, April
2005), p. 6.
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