Starlab version 4.4.1 program created on Apr 27 2005 at 22:55:38 source file /home/steve/starlab/src/node/dyn/init/split_particles.C Split the specified particles in input snapshot into binaries having specified orbital properties. Naming convention: particle X is split into components X1 and X2. Splitting may be applied recursively to produce multiple systems, e.g. split_particles -l 1 -a 0.1 -e 0 -l 1b -a 0.01 -e 0.5 creates a triple system (11, (121, 122)). Unlike mkscat, structure is never implicit, but must be created from the top down. Usage: split_particles [-s #] -l l1 -a a1 -e e1 -E E1 -q q1 -l l2 (etc.) Options: -s specify random seed [random from system clock] -i use "a" and "b" instead of "1" and "2" [false] -l specify label of next particle to split [no default] -a specify semi-major axis of current binary [0.1] -e specify eccentricity of current binary [random] -E specify energy of current binary [0] -q specify mass ratio (secondary[b]/primary[a]) of the current binary [1] The "-E" option takes precedence over the "-a" option. Written by Steve McMillan. Report bugs to starlab (at)