Starlab version 4.4.1 program created on Apr 27 2005 at 22:53:44 source file /home/steve/starlab/src/node/dyn/util/set_com.C Modify positions and velocities to set the center-of-mass position and velocity. Write com_pos and com_vel to the root dyn story. If an external field has been specified, the velocity is taken to be in units of the circular orbit speed at the specified location. Otherwise, the velocity is taken as is. Positions and velocities are in physical units (parsecs and km/s, if relevant) if physical stellar parameters are known, and N-body units otherwise (or if -n is specified). Usage: set_com [OPTIONS] < input > output Options: -c add a comment to the output snapshot [false] -n force interpretation of r and v in N-body units [no] -r specify center of mass position [(0,0,0)] -v specify center of mass velocity [(0,0,0)] Written by Steve McMillan. Report bugs to starlab (at)