Starlab version 4.4.1 program created on Apr 27 2005 at 23:05:50 source file /home/steve/starlab/src/star/util/proj_lagr.C lagrad: Compute Lagrangian (mass) radii for an N-body system. The radii are stored in the system (root) dyn story. If a current density center is found in the root dyn story, the Lagrangian radii are calculated relative to it. Otherwise, if a valid center of mass is found, it is used. If neither center is found, the geometric center is used. Options: -c add a comment to the output snapshot [false] -n specify number of Lagrangian zones (linear in mass) [4] -s use "special" nonlinear binning: 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9 -t same as -n 10