Starlab version 4.4.1 program created on Apr 27 2005 at 22:55:15 source file /home/steve/starlab/src/node/dyn/init/makedisk.C Construct a near-keplerian disk, with N low-mass objects orbiting a single massive object on almost circular paths. Units: masses are measured in millions of solar masses, lengths are measured in parsecs. Hence (with G = 1) the time unitis 1.49e4 yr and the velocity unit is 65.7 km/s. Usage: makedisk [OPTIONS] Options: -c add a comment to the output snapshot [false] -C output data in 'col' format [no] -i number the particles sequentially [don't number] -l specify particle radius [0] -m specify the total mass of the disk [no default] -M specify the mass of the central object [no default] -n specify number of disk particles [no default] -o echo value of random seed [don't echo] -r specify inner disk radius [no default] -R specify outer disk radius [no default] -s specify random seed [random from system clock] -v specify 3-D disk velocity dispersion [0] -V verbose mode [off] Written by Steve McMillan. Report bugs to starlab (at)