Starlab version 4.4.1 program created on Apr 27 2005 at 22:55:12 source file /home/steve/starlab/src/node/dyn/init/makecube.C Construct a simple homogeneous cube, with (default) M = 1, T/U = -1/2, E = -1/4. If the "-u" flag is set, the particles are left unscaled, with masses 1/n, positions uniformly distributed in [-L, L], and velocities uniformly distributed in a range giving approximate virial equilibrium. Usage: makecube [OPTIONS] Options: -c add a comment to the output snapshot [false] -C output data in 'col' format [no] -i number the particles sequentially [don't number] -l write cube size to dyn story [don't write] -L specify cube size (+/-L) [1] -n specify number of particles [no default] -o echo value of random seed [don't echo] -s specify random seed [random from system clock] -u leave unscaled [scale to E=-1/4, M = 1, R = 1] Written by Steve McMillan. Report bugs to starlab (at)