Starlab version 4.4.1 program created on Apr 27 2005 at 22:56:09 source file /home/steve/starlab/src/node/dyn/init/make_aniso_king.C Construct an anisotropic King model. The resulting model fills its Roche lobe in the specified tidal field. Its length scale is set by G = M = 1 and the value of alpha1. Note that, if we scale the model to standard units (default), then the absolute value of alpha1 is irrelevant. Only alpha3/alpha1 matters. The default alpha3/alpha1 corresponds to a point-mass tidal field, with alpha1 = -3 Omega^2 (see kira or Binney & Tremaine). When scaling, the tidal potential is taken into account in determining the virial radius. Usage: make_aniso_king [OPTIONS] Options: -a specify alpha1 [-0.0009] -A specify "Oort A" -b specify alpha3/alpha1 [-1/3] -B specify "Oort B" -c add a comment to the output snapshot [false] -C output data in 'col' format [no] -F specify tidal field type as in kira [1] 1: point-mass; 2: isothermal halo; 3: Galactic disk; 4: Custom (input Oort constants A and B, and local density in units of 232 Msun/pc^3) -i number the particles sequentially [don't number] -n specify number of particles [no default] -o echo value of random seed [don't echo] -s specify random seed [random from system clock] -T test options [0] 1: print the King model to cerr; 2: save model and surface brightness profiles -u leave final N-body system unscaled [scale to E=-1/4, M = 1, R = 1] -w specify King dimensionless depth [no default] Written by Douglas Heggie and Steve McMillan. Report bugs to starlab (at)