Starlab version 4.4.1 program created on Apr 27 2005 at 22:53:05 source file /home/steve/starlab/src/node/dyn/util/lagradplot.C Compute and plot Lagrangian radii for input N-body system(s), based on the coordinate center. (Probably only marginally useful to use this center -- better to use the density center or modified center of mass, as in lagrad...) Usage: lagradplot [OPTIONS] < input > output Options: -c add a comment to the output snapshot [false] -t use ten-percentiles rather than quartiles [quartiles] -d use double width output, 158 rather than 79 columns -q use quadruple width output, 158 rather than 79 columns Written by Piet Hut. Report bugs to starlab (at)