Starlab version 4.4.1 program created on Apr 27 2005 at 23:04:58 source file /home/steve/starlab/src/star/dstar/evolve/SeBa.C SeBa: Binary evolution program SeBa. computes the evolution of a binary given any initial conditions (M, m, a, e). Output: in the form of the following files: -init.dat contains selected initial conditons. contains binary evolution histories contains remnant formation information in the form of standard output (cerr). Initialized parameters include: - mass of the most massice component (primary star) - mass of its binary companion (secondary star) - semi-major axis of the binary system - orbital eccentricity routines incuded can be found in double_star.h. The mass function routines are adoped from mkmass.C and are defined in starbase.h externally visible routines are: -get_random_mass_ratio -get_random_semi_major_axis -get_random_eccentricity The two utilities for the various parameter are: -extract_...._distribution_type_string(....) and -type_string(char*) The executable takes initial conditions (see Options) and returns randomized binary parameters. Options: -M upper primary mass limit [100[Msun]] -m lower limit to primary mass [0.1[Msun]] -x mass function exponent in case of power law [-2.35] -F/f mass function option: 0) Equal mass 1) Power-law [default] 2) Miller & Scalo 3) Scalo 4) Kroupa Option -F requires one of the following strings: (mf_Power_Law, Miller_Scalo, Scalo, Kroupa) -f requires the appropriate interger (see mkmass.C) -A maximum semi-major axis limit [1000000[Rsun]] -a minimum semi-major axis limit [0] -y exponent for a power-law distribution [0] (flat in log) -G/g Semi major axis option: 0) Equal_sma 1) Power Law [default] 2) Duquennoy & Mayor (1987) Option -G requires one of the following strings: (Equal_sma, sma_Power_Law, Duquennoy_Mayor) -g requires appropriate interger (see double_star.h) -E maximum eccentricity [1] -e minimum eccentricity [0] -v exponent for a power-law distribution -U/u eccentricity option: 0) Equal eccentricity 1) Power Law 2) Thermal distribution [default] Option -U requires one of the following strings: (Equal_ecc, ecc_Power_Law, Thermal_Distribution) -u requires appropriate interger (see double_star.h) -Q maximum mass ratio [1] -q minimum mass ratio [<-m option/selected primary mass>] -w exponent for a power-law distribution -P/p mass ratio option: 0) constant mass ratio 1) Flat_q 2) Power Law 3) Hogeveen (1992) Option -P requires one of the following strings: (Equal_q, Flat_q, qf_Power_Law, Hogeveen) -p requires appropriate interger (see double_star.h) -I select input file for reading initial conditions. -uses: double_star::dump as input format. [no default] -R select random initial conditions [false] with parameters as discribed above. -n number of binaries to be simulated. [1] Options: -I all binaries in input file are computed. -R the number of binaries indicated. oterwise one binary is simulated with -M, -m, -a, -e as initial conditions. -T or -t binary end time. [35] Myr