Binary Handling in kira
Steve McMillan
August 1998

Notation: A binary has mass $m_b$, separation $r$, semi-major axis $a$, and period $P$. We define $R_b = \max(r,a)$. A perturber has mass $m_p$ and distance $D_p$. We use standard N-body units, so the cluster mass, length, and time scales are all 1. The mean stellar mass is therefore $\langle m \rangle\equiv 1/N$.

1.  Binaries without unperturbed motion

Binaries are constrained by the following operational parameters:

A close pair (of total mass $m_b$) is treated as a ``binary'' (i.e. motion of the center of mass is separated from the relative motion of the components) when

\begin{displaymath}r < r_{crit} \equiv \frac{f}{N} {\cal M}_1^\alpha\,,

where $f$ is a free parameter, ${\cal M}_1 = m_b/2\langle m \rangle$, and $\alpha =$ 0, 0.5, or 1, depending on the precise criterion (distance, force, or potential, respectively) used for binary recognition. A binary is split back into single particles when $r > 2.5\, r_{crit}$.

The dimensionless number $\gamma$ controls which neighbors are regarded as perturbers of a given binary. Particle $p$ is a perturber of binary $b$ if

\begin{displaymath}\frac{{\cal M}_2 R_b}{D_p^3} \ge \frac{\gamma}{R_b^2}\,,


\begin{displaymath}D_p < \gamma^{-1/3} {\cal M}_2^{1/3} R_b\,,

where ${\cal M}_2 = \max(2m_p/m_b, 1)$. The use of ${\cal
M}_2$ allows us to include all perturbers within a given distance, as well as more massive particles at greater distances.

The number of perturbers $N_p$ must be less than $N_{p,max}$, the maximum allowed length of the perturber list in the hdyn class.

The speed-up obtained by using the GRAPE hardware is a factor of $S_G \sim 100$-$500$.

The value of $\gamma$ is determined primarily by the accuracy desired, as the error incurred in binary integration scales as $\gamma$. Empirically, we find that a typical error per unit time associated with perturbed binary motion is a few times $\gamma$ (in standard units, with no initial binaries). We take $\gamma\ \hbox{\rlap{\raise0.425ex\hbox{$<$ }}\lower0.65ex\hbox{$\sim$ }}\ 10^{-7}$(with accuracy parameter $\eta = 0.1$) for reasonable accuracy. Once $\gamma$ is chosen, the choice of $f$ is dictated by by efficiency considerations and the values of the other parameters. The number of perturbers is

\begin{displaymath}N_p \sim n D_p^3,

where $n$ is the local density. We define $n = \rho N$, where $\rho$is an overdensity factor, which could easily lie in the range 100-1000 for binary interactions in the core. Thus, the limit on the total number of perturbers for a binary of size $r_{crit}$ requires

\begin{displaymath}f \ \hbox{\rlap{\raise0.425ex\hbox{$<$}}\lower0.65ex\hbox{$\s...
{\rho {\cal M}_1^{3\alpha} {\cal M}_2}\biggr)^{1/3}\,.

For $N = 10^4N_4$, $\gamma = 10^{-7}\gamma_7$, and $N_{p,max} = 256$, and taking $\rho = {\cal M}_1 = {\cal M}_2 = 1$, this implies

\begin{displaymath}f \ \hbox{\rlap{\raise0.425ex\hbox{$<$}}\lower0.65ex\hbox{$\sim$}}\ 14 N_4^{2/3} \gamma_7^{1/3}

to avoid perturber-list overflow. Taking the factors in the denominator into account, the ``standard'' choice of $f = 1$ seems conservatively safe.

For a binary with $N_p$ perturbers, we must perform $2 N_p$ pairwise force calculations per time step. With $\sim$200 steps per orbit and an orbital period of $2\pi\sqrt{a^3/m_b}$, this implies a total of

\begin{displaymath}N_{f,bin} \sim 100 N^{1/2} a^{3/2} \gamma^{-1}
\rho {\cal M}_1^{1/2} {\cal M}_2

force calculations per orbit (replacing $R_b$ by $a$ in the definition of $D$ above, and taking $200\sqrt{2}/\pi \sim 100$). For the same binary treated as two separate particles, the equivalent number of force calculations is obtained by replacing $N_p$ by $N$ and dividing by $S_G$:

\begin{displaymath}N_{f,nobin} \sim \frac{100}{S_G} N^{1/2} a^{-3/2} {\cal M}_1^{1/2}\,.

We thus do less work in the binary case when

\begin{displaymath}a^3 \gamma^{-1} \rho {\cal M}_2 S_G \ \hbox{\rlap{\raise0.425ex\hbox{$<$}}\lower0.65ex\hbox{$\sim$}}\ 1\,,

or, substituting $a = r_{crit}$,

\begin{displaymath}f \ \hbox{\rlap{\raise0.425ex\hbox{$<$}}\lower0.65ex\hbox{$\s...
...{{\cal M}_1^{\alpha} {\cal M}_2^{1/3}

Again neglecting the mass and density factors (possibly amounting to a factor of 10 or more, note), and taking $S_G \sim 100$, we obtain

\begin{displaymath}f \ \hbox{\rlap{\raise0.425ex\hbox{$<$}}\lower0.65ex\hbox{$\sim$}}\ 10 \gamma_7^{1/3} N_4\,.

Given the extra factors in practice, and given the fact that the direct calculation is likely to be more accurate than the perturbed binary formulation, even with $\gamma = 10^{-7}$, the standard choice of $f \sim 1$ again seems reasonable. In the core of a collapsed system with a wide range of masses, a reduction of $f$ to $\sim
0.25$-0.5 may be desirable.

The original implementation of perturber lists associated the list with the top-level node of a binary/multiple system and used the same list for all internal motion. The list is recomputed at each center-of-mass time step. As of August 1998, we optionally allow the use of low-level perturber lists for more efficient treatment of multiple systems. As with the top-level lists, low-level lists are updated each center-of-mass time step; membership is drawn from the top-level list, applying the same perturbation criteria for inner binaries as is used in creating the top-level list for the outer binary.

2.  Unperturbed binaries

Direct integration of a lightly perturbed binary in an orbit that is not too eccentric, with accuracy parameter $\eta = 0.1$ and $\sim 300$ steps per orbit, conserves energy at the level of $\sim10^{-8}$ (relative error) per orbit. (The number of steps is modified over and above the standard Aarseth criterion, depending on the mass of the binary, in order to increase the integration accuracy for energetic binaries.) While this is a small error, it is systematic, always decreasing the total energy of the system. Two types of unperturbed binary motion are recognized, defined by additional parameters:

Pericenter reflection. A binary may be regarded as unperturbed during pericenter passage (i.e. its motion is treated as simple two-body motion and the binary step amounts to a reflection about the pericenter point) if its perturbation is less than $\gamma_p$.

Fully unperturbed motion. If the external perturbation (determined at apocenter) is less than $\gamma_f$, the entire binary orbit is treated as unperturbed, allowing time steps many orbits long.

During unperturbed motion, the internal motion of the components is treated in the kepler approximation, and the binary is followed as a point mass. The component positions and velocities are taken into account in computing the total energy of the system, however, and are updated at the end of each unperturbed step. A tidal error is incurred during pericenter reflection, as the configuration of the binary relative to the external field changes during the step with no corresponding change in acc or jerk until the end of the unperturbed motion. At present, this error is simply included in the overall integration error. It should probably be accumulated as a separate item in kira_counters. This tidal error is seen immediately in the instantaneously energy, and may also introduce an anomalously large jerk into the motions of the binary center of mass and the closest perturbers.

In order to minimize the tidal error in pericenter reflection (which often is systematic, as the same reflection configuration is typically repeated many times), $\gamma_p$ is kept small--$0.1\gamma$ is the standard choice. Systematic tidal errors are less of a problem for fully unperturbed motion, which proceeds an orbit at a time. Moreover, most perturbative terms are periodic in nature, and so vanish over a full orbital period, allowing $\gamma_f$ to be substantially greater than $\gamma$. We adopt $\gamma_f = 100

As a practical matter, long-lived multiple systems, such as hierarchical triples, can pose severe problems, as the inner binary is often not ``unperturbed'' by the above criteria, but the system survives for many binary periods, resulting in large energy errors. A triple system is treated as unperturbed (i.e. both the inner and outer orbits are followed as two-body motion, and the center of mass is advanced as a point mass) if

The outer orbit is ``weakly perturbed''--that is, its dimensionless perturbation is less than some value $\gamma_t$--and

The internal motion is stable--that is, the ratio of the outer periastron to the inner semi-major axis exceeds some critical ratio $R$.

We currently (pragmatically) take $\gamma_t = 10^{-4}$ and $R = 5$. To minimize the tidal error, both the inner and outer orbits are advanced through integral numbers of periods. Any residual error is absorbed in the same way as for binary motion.

Unperturbed binary-binary systems are treated similarly, applying the stability criterion to each interior binary separately. Hierarchical systems are treated as unperturbed if the inner system is stable (by the above definition) and the outer orbit is weakly perturbed.

