^8B survival probabilities for solar neutrinos


This file includes the survival probabilities as a function of energy at the best-fit neutrino parameters and at 6 representative points on the periphery of the 95% C.L. fits to the four solar neutrino experiments chlorine, Kamiokande, GALLEX, and SAGE. The fits all refer to the small mixing angle (SMA) MSW solution. The survival probabilities for solar neutrinos correspond to points that include the smallest and the largest mass differences, as well as the smallest and the largest mixing angles, that lie on the 95% C. L. fits. The set of 7 survival probabilities can be used to determine the expected range of predicted neutrino quantities that may be affected by MSW small mixing angle oscillations of solar neutrinos.

The solutions are taken from Figure 1 of the paper ``How Well Do We (and Will We) Know Solar Neutrino Fluxes and Oscillation Parameters?'' by J. N. Bahcall and P. I. Krastev, Phys. Rev. D., 53, 4211 (April 15, 1996).

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