Moments of electron recoil energy spectra for incident solar neutrinos


Moments provide a concise summary. The effect of neutrino oscillations on the electron recoil energy spectra for solar neutrinos observable at the Superkamiokande and SNO experiments can be parametrized to a good approximation by the first two spectral moments---the average and the variance (see J.N.Bahcall, P. I. Krastev, and E. Lisi, Phys. ReV. C. 55, 494, 1997. The ingredients necessary to calculate the moments for solar neutrinos are listed in Sec. IV (first paragraph) of the same paper. They include the neutrino energy, the normalized standard neutrino spectrum, the neutral current and charged curent cross sections on deuterium, the neutrino-electron scattering cross sections (for electron and muon neutrinos), and the electron kinetic energies. These ingredients are tabulated in a computer-readable form in Tab. I (file T_table.dat) for the first moment, and in Tab. II (file T2_table.dat) for the second moment. The reader is referred to Sec.III for the exact definition of each quantity (cross sections, average electron energies and squared energies).

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