Subroutines that calculate solar neutrino cross sections on deuterium for analysis of observations with the Sudbury Neutrino Obsevatory


Deuterium.cross is an exportable set of subroutines and functions that calculate the charged current and neutral current neutrino cross sections on deuterium. The file is fully documented. A detailed description of the physics contained in the subroutines, with a comparison between different methods of calculation, is contained in the paper: ``Tests of Electron Flavor Conservation with the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory'' by John N. Bahcall and Eligio Lisi (Phys. Rev. D. 54, 5417 (1996). The encoded differential charged-current cross-section is based on the Ellis-Bahcall effective range calculation (Nucl. Phys. A114, 636, 1968) with slight improvements. The subroutines are designed to be useful in simulations of reactions in the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) and to provide a basis for estimating the best-estimates and uncertainties in solar neutrino event rates. Questions about the code can be addressed to or . You can acknowledge use of the code simply by refering to the Bahcall-Lisi paper mentioned above.

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