Survival probabilities for the all CNO solution to the solar neutrino problems


This file includes the MSW survival probabilities as a function of energy for each of the solar neutrino sources in the illustrative case in which 99.95% of the solar luminosity is supplied by the CNO reactions. For each of the sources, the MSW survival probability has been averaged over the region of the production of the neutrinos as given in the standard standard solar model of Bahcall and Pinsonneault, Rev. Mod. Phys. 67, 1 (1995), which includes helium and heavy element diffusion. The ALL CNO survival probability for Be7(0.862) neutirnos is 0.105 and for pep neutrinos it is 0.065.

The ALL CNO solution fits well the results from the four pioneering solar neutrino experiments: chlorine, Kamiokande, GALLEX, and SAGE. The neutrino mass difference and mixing angle for this solution are very similar to what is obtained for the usual small mixing angle (SMA) MSW solution that applies to the standard solar model.

The ALL CNO solution is presented in detail in ``How Does the Sun Shine?'' by J. N. Bahcall, M. Fukugita, and P. I. Krastev, Phys. Letters. B., 374, 1-6 (May 2, 1996). The boron survival probabilities given here are displayed in Figure 1 of this paper.

The ALL CNO solution is robust with respect to the solar model (see Figure 2 of the paper referred to above). One can even find a solution in which 99.95% of the solar luminosity is supplied by the CNO reactions and the survival probabilities as a function of energy are the same for all the neutrino sources; in this solution, all neutrinos are assumed to be produced in a region in which the standard solar model produces the boron neutrinos. The neutrino paremters for this all-boron, ALL CNO solution are slightly different from the mass difference and mixing angle in our published paper.

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