Chlorine neutrino absorption cross sections as a function of energy


Values of the neutrino absorption cross sections on chlorine as a function of neutrino energy in MeV. The cross sections are given in units of 10-46 cm2. The second column refers to the improved cross sections obtained in Bahcall et al., Phys. Rev. C 54, 411 (1996) and the third column gives the cross sections tabulated in my book Neutrino Astrophysics and used until 1996. The differences between results obtained with columns two and three can be used as a measure of the uncertainties associated with the absorption cross sections on chlorine.

Table III of the Physical Review paper referred to above provides a convenient summary of the values of the cross section for 8B solar neutrinos incident on chlorine that have been calculated since the first calculation in 1964. The values in Table III of the Phys. Rev. paper, which are presented as a function of time, are an independent indication of the related systematic error in predicting the solar neutrino event rate in a chlorine detector.

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