Groth Strip), increase the total sample to 337 stars, and more than double the number of late M dwarfs (MV > 13.5) from 23 to 47. The mass function changes slope at M ~ 0.6 M, from a near-Salpeter power-law index of = -1.21 to = 0.44. In both regimes the mass function at the Galactic plane is given by d 3 N / d log M d MV dV = 8.1 x 10-2 pc-3 (M / 0.59 M). The correction for secondaries in binaries changes the low-mass index from = 0.44 to ~ 0.1. If the Salpeter slope continued to the hydrogen-burning limit, we would expect 500 stars in the last four bins (14.5< MV < 18.5), instead of the 25 actually detected. The explanation of the observed microlensing rate towards the Galactic bulge requires either the disk and bulge mass functions are very different for stars with M 0.5 M or that a substantial population of bulge brown dwarfs.
The magnitudes and positions of the stars in the HDF reported in this paper are available in a tabular form. See for further information on this project.