
Location: The LowNu Workshop will take place in Alphonse Raymond Education Building, E125. There should be a sign outside the building indicating that it is the location of the LowNu Workshop.

Transportation: There will be a city bus arranged by Neutrino2000 that will pick up participants at the front doors of their hotels. Participants who want a ride to the Workshop must be at the entrance to their hotels at the times listed below.

Pick up times at the hotels. Ramada Inn - 7:30 a.m.; Travelodge - 7:40 a.m.; Four Points - 7:45 a.m.; Travelway - 7:50 a.m.; Univ.Res. - 8:00 a.m.

Directions The T-junction of Paris Street and Ramsey Lake Road has the Travelway Inn on the southeast corner and Science North on the northeast corner. The main entrance to Laurentian University is located 2 km east along Ramsey Lake Road from the intersection with Paris Street. To get to the Alphonse Raymond Education Building, site of the LowNu Workshop, please follow the directional signs to "University College Residence". Drive past the main entrance of the university and, a short distance later, turn right along South Bay Road. Turn right at the first entrance, and the Alphonse Raymond Education Building is just ahead on the right. Turn left and drive straight ahead for parking in the lot adjacent to the N.E. Ontario Family Medicine Building. Walk up the outside steps to the main building entrance of the Alphonse Raymond Education Building; signs inside will direct workshop participants to the registration area, refreshments & lunch area, and the meeting room E125.

Registration Registration will begin at 8:00 AM on Thursday, June 15. The Workshop will begin at 8:30 AM and end at 5:30 PM.

There will be a registration fee of $25 U.S., or $35$ Canadian, payable in cash or checks, which will cover the cost of lunch and the refereshments at the breaks and other services. Checks should be made payable to the National Research Council - Neutrino 2000. Invoices from institutions cannot be accepted.

For speakers. There will be a viewgraph machine (hopefully two) and a blackboard. Times for the talks will be energetically enforced with the aid of two alarm clocks.

Speakers should bring two copies of their transparancies and give one copy each to John Bahcall and to Yoichiro Suzuki. We will try to make arrangements to scan the transparancies and to place them on the Web for later reference use by all participants.

Inquiries. Inquiries on general arrangements for Neutrino 2000 should be addressed to the Conference Secretariat at . For information about the LowNu Workshop, contact Monica Easton, the Workshop Coordinator, at the address given below.

Maps for the Laurentian campus can be obtained at the following URL

If you want to make sure that you get a ride to the Workshop, please notify the arrangements coordinator:

Monica Easton
Arrangements Co-ordinator
Neutrino 2000
FAX: (705) 675-4868

via e-mail or FAX.

Please tell Monica at which hotel you will be staying.

Lunch and breaks: Lunch and breaks will be served in a nearby cafeteria room. There will be coffee and fruit or pastries at the breaks.

If you have any special dietary requirements, please notify Monica at the address listed above.
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