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APPLICATION FORM for 2003 Program

To be completed and received at the address below by March 3, 2003.

Applicants will be notified in early April 2003.

Full Name:
Institution Name
and Address:

Personal Phone Number: male female
Personal E-Mail Address:

Please provide a short resume of your studies and research interests.

When did you enter the Physics graduate program?

Name of your (prospective) thesis advisor:

When would you expect to receive your PhD?

Please ask for a professional recommendation from your (prospective) thesis advisor to be sent directly to Allison Bridge, Institute for Advanced Study, Einstein Drive, Princeton, New Jersey 08540.  Please give a copy of the information about this program to the person writing your recommendation so that he/she can take into account the intended level of the school.
Applications and recommendation letters are due by March 3, 2003.

There is no tuition fee to attend the program, however participants are responsible for their own travel expenses, meals, and accommodation. Shared housing is available at the Institute for Advanced Study for $40/night.  Breakfast and lunch can be purchased from the Institute Dining Hall, and the Institute apartments are equipped with full kitchens.  PiTP has funds to assist applicants with housing.  Participants are encouraged to apply for this support.

If I am accepted into the program, I would like to request that you send me the application for financial assistance for housing?   yes no